Why the name?

Calling ourselves the Magic Ant Network wasn’t just about being different, of course that is one of the reasons but there is also a deeper meaning behind it. When we were coming up with the name we had to think of something that no one else would think of naming their professional charity. 

Magic refers to two aspects within the charity, first; the work that goes into running the events, fundraising and projects is magic. The ability for so many to work together for a common goal is in our eyes, Magic. We picked the word Magic to tell the world that we believe in magic, not necessarily the kind that gives your supernatural and mysterious powers, but the kind that makes people happy, the kind that makes people feel alive and the magic that builds a better future. Spread the magic of happiness, laughter and kindness throughout the world and never look back.

Ant dives deep into the land of metaphor with everyone being called an Ant. Why are we insulting everyone and calling them a small creature? Well we are doing quite the opposite, it’s not an insult, it’s a compliment. An ant can lift 20 times its own weight! They may be small but one ant makes a big difference in the world. Our Ant represents the idea that a small change can make a big difference. Next time you see an ant, wave at it, it might just be helping us! 

Network is the intricate system beneath the ant hill. Our organisation has a strong focus on building connections in the community, we believe that every single connection made is going to make a big difference. We are constantly looking at ways to strengthen and build relationships in the community, we are open to any new projects proposed by our volunteers and community members alike. If you want to get involved click here.